An education in Germany or Austria is a great opportunity.
For a good education and a great job, follow your own unique path towards a better future. edulink Gmbh takes you to the target!
Studying in Germany offers numerous benefits both during and after your degree:
Outstanding Universities
A German or Austrian university degree is fully recognised and highly respected internationally. With 25 institutions in the Top 300, there is the perfect university for every student in Germany and Austria. The TU9 technical universities and the institutions within the Excellence Initiative are in high demand.
Excellent job opportunities
Graduates of German and Austrian universities are very much in demand internationally. On average, they earn € 42,000 per year in Germany and € 30,000 per year in Austria at entry level. After their studies, foreign graduates in Germany hold a residence permit for 18 months, enabling them to look for employment.
Germany is in the third in the world in terms of the numbers of foreign students and the favourite non-English speaking host country overall. This trend is consolidated with the increase in English-language bachelor's and master's degrees, various Erasmus exchange opportunities and funding possibilities. | more
High quality of life for a small price
Germany and Austria offer high life standards with a rich cultural scene, a varied night life and a wide spectrum of leisure and sports activities. In addition to this, the living costs and tuition fees are very low in comparison to the USA and the UK. | more